During the "no-fat" craze of the past decades, all saturated fats were marked as bad, as something to be avoided. Knowledge was already in place to the contrary, but as often happens, perceptions -- pushed by industries like the corn oil companies who profited immensely from doing so -- overshadowed science. And coconut oil, far more nutritious and beneficial than corn, peanut, soy, safflower and the other oils out there, nonetheless got tossed into the "no saturated fat" overgeneralizations and lunacy. |
Coconut oil is now starting to get the respect it deserves as not only the healthiest oil you can consume, even superior to olive oil which contains trans-fat, but as one of the most nutritious of all foods. Coconut oil contains no cholesterol and dangerous trans-fats, which are found in vegetable oils (including olive oil), margarine, shortening and more. Trans-fats |
can raise LDLs or "bad" cholesterol levels and lead to clogged arteries, heart disease, type-II diabetes and more, and should be avoided.
What you didn't hear is that some saturated fats A) are necessary to human health; B) are not the primary perpetrator of weight gain (white flour and sugars) are and C) come in three classes, of which the medium-chain can actually help you lose weight and increase metabolism.
Coconut oil's benefits have been covered extensively on books and literatures, written by internationally respected lipid biochemist, Dr. Mary Enig, Ph.D., doctors like Bruce Fife, N.D. and Dr. Mercola, D.O. but now it's benefits are finally reaching the mainstream. For example, the May 20, 2003 edition of Women's World, a very popular and wide-reaching magazine, called coconut oil a "miracle food" and particularly touted its ability help the body burn unwanted fat, triple your energy. Coconut oil's saturated fat is of the medium-chain triglycerides MCT variety. These MCT are digested more easily and utilized differently by the body than other fats. In short, whereas other fats are stored in the body's cells, the MCT in coconut oil are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. So when you eat coconut oil, the body uses it immediately to make energy rather than store it as body fat. Because this quick and easy absorption puts less strain on your pancreas, liver and digestive system, coconut oil "heats up" the metabolic system . |
The lauric acid in coconut oil is used by the body to make the antimicrobial active fatty acid derivative monolaurin that babies make from the lauric acid they get from their mothers milk. Together with other MCT like Caprylic acid and Capric acid, they have been proven to kill lipid coated viruses, bacteria and candida.
You should be absolutely certain, however, of the quality and effectiveness of whatever coconut oil brand you choose. There is a very wide variance in terms of the types of coconuts, the manufacturing processes used to make the oil, and more, which will have a major impact on the healthiness and effectiveness your coconut oil.
Because there is so much uncertainty, Body’s Choice researched coconut oil extensively and found the ideal source. |
Body’s Choice Extra Virgin Coconut Oil meets all of the requirements in the chart below. Meeting such high standards is no small feat, but you should not settle for anything less if you want to experience all of the health benefits of coconut oil without exposing yourself to unnecessary health risks. |
Certified organic by Philippines Department of Agriculture
No R.B.D.(Refining,, Bleaching, Deodorizing)
Non-GMO & No hydrogenation
From fresh young coconuts, not the dried brown "copra" used in Expeller Pressed coconut oils
No afflatoxins and Iodides
To minimize rancidity, moisture content is reduced to less than the government standard 2% |
The fresh coconuts used to make the oil (not "copra" or dried coconuts like Expeller Pressed oils) come from a rural region of the Southern Philippines untainted by urban pollution and assigned by the government as organic farming province. Philippine coconuts are considered the best in the world, in large part due to the fact that the Philippine Islands are made up of volcanoes that brought nutrient-rich soil beneath the sea up to form the islands. |
Young farmer cutting up a fresh virgin coconut |
What's more, small families, not corporate conglomerates, grow the coconuts. Body’s Choice works through local churches in the rural areas to organize communities for the production of the coconuts and oil, therefore providing a livelihood for these farmers. |
What this means for you is a virgin coconut oil of unsurpassed quality, not mass processed like most others but created using traditional methods. And because this coconut oil is made from fresh coconuts within 24 hours of harvesting, there are no dangers of mycotoxins or afflatoxins that can form in coconut oils made from "copra" coconuts. Overall, this superior quality makes a huge difference, not only in terms of health and safety, but also in terms of taste, cooking quality, and other tangible results. |
The Many Uses of Coconut Oil -- Cooking & Eating, Skincare, Massage and More |
Uses for this virgin coconut oil with both a pleasant scent and taste include: |
1. |
In place of other oils, margarine, butter, shortening, etc. for all cooking needs, as it is a stable cooking oil |
2. |
As an ingredient when juicing or making smoothies |
3. |
It smells and tastes so pleasant and has such excellent nutritional properties that some also consume it straight, by the tablespoon, and use it in place of other oils on their salads |
4. |
An excellent massage oil |
5. |
As a skin lotion for healthier, younger skin and help fight skin infections. |
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