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Eczema (Case 25-32)
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Chow 18mths old, reddish eruptions appeared on both upper and lower limbs, M.D. diagnosed as Mosquito bite, prescribed Anti-histamine for 2 wks but all in vain. Visited Dr. Yuen, and healed in 2 wks.

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Ms Cheung,24 yrs old. After coming back from Australia, acne and pimples appeared in forehead, suppressed with M.D. ointment, Ms Chan seek help from TCM doctor. But after nearly 2 mths acne kept bursting out even more severely, redness all over the face. Urged by family members to visit Dr. Yuen. Recovered in 1 mth time.

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Mr. Hung ID KXX21XX, suffered from eczema for 20yrs, has been applying steroidal ointment to suppress symptoms. This few yrs conditions can't be suppressed anymore, flared up severely with pus and ulcers. Been to TCM doctors and other naturopathic therapist but results not satistfactory. Jan11 seek help from Dr. Yuen. and ulcer healed up in less than 3 wks. Less than 2 mths Itchiness subsided, now just waiting the scarring to smoothen out naturally.

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Ms Fong IDZXX2X7X 25yrs old, suffered from eczema 10yrs ago, under M.D. treatment for 2 yrs, symptoms come and go. Sept 11 after moving house. Eczema flared up in four limbs and rashes appeared in face. Frequently applied high dose steroidal cream to suppress the rashes, but no way curing the eczema. Discovered Dr. Yuen's healing art, paid him a visit. Dr, Yuen asked her to stopped using her steroid at once, but warned her the Herxheimer reaction, she definitely would experience after starting Dr. Yuen's regimen. Within the first week, face eczema flared up and rashes in limbs broke into ulcers as Dr. Yuen expected. But in 2 wks eczema subsided, sites healed inl ess than 2 mths.

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Mr. Yip IDKXX1XX2, 30yrs old, severe eczema all over body tortured him all his life. Scalp and skin itchiness disturbed his sleep for almost 30yrs. Been to renowned Dermatologist and done all sorts of expensive investigations and allergy tests, but not much benefits seen. Thru the internet, he seek help from Dr. Yuen. After the first visit and examined by Dr. Yuen, Dr. Yuen declined to treat him unless he can stay home for a few weeks, as he would experience severe Herxheimer reaction or die off effects which will seriously affect his employment. 2 mths later, Mr. Yip took 1 mth off from work to receive treatment from Dr. Yuen. Herxheimer reaction was experience started 1 wk after treatment, more rashes broke out, face swollen, then skin peeling off followed by tremendous dryness. But all subsided after10 days. Healed within 2 mths.

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Mr. Pang IDGXX7XX9,44 yrs old, suffering from eczema for a yr. With no improvement from TCM doctor, turned to steroid cream, symptoms subsided shortly but slowly rashes spread to upper limbs, head and neck and body. Learned from the internet, visited Dr. Yuen on 20th August 11. Although his condition appeared to be not that severe, Dr. Yuen knew that was the masking effect of steroidal cream. Dr. Yuen warned him for the severe Herxheimer reaction or die off effects he would soon experience after starting the treatment. As Dr. Yuen expected, 5 days later, rashes and cellulitis like lesions appears in whole body. Without losing faith in Dr. Yuen, Mr. Pang carried on his treatment. In just 10 days under Dr. Yuen's care, all rashes gone, eczema healed in 2 mths.

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Hang, 3.5yrs old, suffered from eczema since birth. At age of 1 due to UTI took long term antibiotics, eczema flared up even more. 4 Aug 11 came to House of Nature, after checking him with Clinical IT, underlying causes were found, eczema subsided quickly. 5 Sept, eczema recurred in the back of thigh region, but soon healed up, within 2 wks.

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Tak,5yrs old, suffered from eczema since 3 mths old. Always flared up, after taking MD.'s flu syrup medications. Steroidal ointment applied all along to suppress symptoms, but eczema spread out to whole body. Learned about Dr. Yuen's unique healing art, 09 Aug 2011 came to visit Dr. Yuen. After checking him with Clinical IT, underlying causes were found. With natural therapies and stopping all steroidal ointment at once, eczema vanished within 2 mths. 

1-8  |  9-16  |  17-24  |  25-32  |  33-40  |  41-48  |  49-56  |  57-64  |  65-72  |  73-80  |  81-87
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