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Eczema (Case 49-56)

Case 56
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Mr Pang 40yo IDKXX3X5X suffered from eczema for 1.5 yrs, MD prescribed him steroid ointment all along to suppress the symptoms. He got fed up with steroid cream and its side effects. He listened to his brother advice to visit House of Nature. Within 2 mths, his conditions improved a lot, and healed after 3 mths of treatment.

Case 55
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Ms P 30yo IDZXX8X6Xsuffered from eczema for 1.5 yrs, Dermatologists prescribed her steroid ointment all along to suppress the symptoms. But her condition got worse and worse, the eczema spread all over. She got fed up with steroid cream and its side effects. Came to know about the healing of House of Nature in the internet, she visited and got healed within 2-3 mths.

Case 54
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Ms Lee 22 yo IDYXX17XX her face became very itchy and pus and inflamed . She has been a patient of House of Nature before, and came

Case 53
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Ms Cheung 45yo IDGX5X4XX had eczema for long, her ear was swollen and inflamed, with rashes all over body. She seek help from House of Nature and healed in 2 wks.

Case 52
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Mr S 30yo ID XX2X2XX had skin rashes for 7-8 yrs. MD prescribed him steroid ointment all along to suppress the symptoms. His condition had not only no improvement, 3 yrs before the itchiness and rashes spread to his buttock. He got fed up with steroid cream and its side effects. He listened to his friend advice to visit House of Nature. Since he had been using steroid for too long, at the beginning of treatment his rashes flared up even more. Within 2 mths, his conditions improved a lot, and healed after 3 mths of treatment.

Case 51
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Babe W 4 mo , suffered from eczema, her mother who is already patient of House of Nature immediately brought her to our treatment. Healed within 2 mths and not recurred since then.

Case 50
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Little girl F got eczema when she was 1 yo, MD prescribed her steroid ointment all along to suppress the symptoms. Her condition had not only no improvement, by 3 yo the itchiness and rashes spread to her legs as well. Her parents were very worried and got fed up with steroid cream and its side effects. Came to know about the healing of House of Nature from their friends, she visited and got improved within 2 mths.

Case 49
**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Mr Lo 51yo had eczema 10 yrs ago. Using steroid all along. 2 yrs ago, after a China trip, both legs had extensive rashes and skin peeling. Recommended by his wife, he came to House of Nature for treatment. His condition healed within 2 mths.

1-8  |  9-16  |  17-24  |  25-32  |  33-40  |  41-48  |  49-56  |  57-64  |  65-72  |  73-80  |  81-87
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